
100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Not satisfied? Money Back!

We are not satisfied until you are! Therefore we offer a satisfaction guarantee.

If you are not satisfied with our software solutions after 90 days of active use of the package, we will cancel the subscription free of charge.
The charged subscription costs will be reimbursed.


  1. The satisfaction guarantee only applies to the monthly subscription costs of the chosen package.
  2. The satisfaction guarantee is only valid for new customers, renewals and upgrades are excluded.
  3. The Satisfaction Guarantee period starts when the package is put into use and the monthly fee will be billed for the first time.
  4. The satisfaction guarantee period ends after 90 days, after 90 days you can no longer invoke this.
  5. Products that are made to your own specification, such as one-off start-up & set-up costs, hosting/domain name, costs for the licenseplate search function and SSL certificates are excluded from this.
  6. The package has been fully set up in collaboration with our specialists and you have actively used the package within your organization.

        *Qweon reserves the right to deny the right to this arrangement if we suspect that this is being abused.