
Qweon data engines, the new name for WCC Software, is the independent software company for the international Automotive industry with a specialization in the tires and wheels industry.


Qweon data engines aims to become the leading software supplier in the 5 most important countries of Europe, with the exception of Germany and Austria, for the tire and wheel industry in the next 3 years.

Our goal is that 50% of all sales within the Netherlands and Belgium will be realized via Qweon's (counter) sales software.

The main points to achieve these goals are:

  • To further expand the database and keep it fully up-to-date, quality over quantity remains the hallmark
  • Expand and widen the vehicle connections even further, also by means of the license plate connection
  • To offer user-friendly software, tailored to your needs, for all users, target groups and market segments
  • To further develop and intensify partnerships with manufacturers
  • Enter into new partnerships with regard to the publication of market information



Short term goals:

  • Purchasing module, the direct transfer of purchase orders to suppliers
  • Vehicle and workshop history module
  • Connections with various accounting packages
  • Connections with lease companies in the Netherlands and Belgium