Qweon launches brand new tire app on the market!

Qweon started the year 2020 with the launch of a brand new free app. By entering a tire size, the app generates a list of all vehicles for which this tire size is suitable.
By using this app Qweon claims that the overview is increased and therefore obsolescence will be reduced, which will benefit the stocks and returns.
With the app, called TyreTracker, you are always quickly informed which vehicles are suitable for the entered tire size. The app specifically shows whether the tire size is suitable for the front or rear axle, or for both.
Qweon manages and uses its own vehicle list. The vehicle database with millions of links is updated daily, making it the largest in Europe. Thanks to the app, everyone can quickly see which tire size fits under which vehicle.
The app for Apple IOS is available in the App Store:
The app for Android is available in the Google Play Store:
Source: Qweon data engines